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'Paint with me' Bruce the Blue Marlin

    'Paint with me' Bruce the Blue Marlin


      Unleash your inner artist with our comprehensive "Bruce the Blue Marlin" video tutorial! Perfect for artists of all levels, this tutorial will guide you step-by-step in creating a vibrant and dynamic painting of a blue marlin. Dive into the world of acrylic paints, glass, and resin to create a stunning piece of art that you can proudly display.

      What’s Included:

      • Video Tutorial: Follow along with detailed, easy-to-understand instructions to create your masterpiece. Learn techniques for working with acrylic paints, incorporating glass and glass shards, and applying resin for a professional finish.
      • Tracer: Simplify your painting process with a tracer that outlines the blue marlin, helping you achieve perfect proportions and details.
      • Supply List: A comprehensive list of all the materials you'll need to complete your painting, including recommended brands and tips for finding the best supplies.

      Materials You'll Need:

      • Acrylic paints (various colors)
      • Canvas (recommended size: 9x12 inches)
      • Glass and glass shards
      • Resin
      • Torch
      • Glue
      • Butane
      • Brushes
      • Protective gloves and workspace covering

      Interactive and Flexible Learning:

      Join our private Facebook group "Bruce the Blue Marlin" to access the video tutorial Special Offer:

      Check out my shop for the torch, glue, and butane, essential tools that will help you achieve the perfect finish for your painting.

      Join the Fun:

      This video tutorial is a fantastic opportunity to relax, have fun, and create a beautiful piece of art. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting, this tutorial is designed to be enjoyable and educational for everyone.

      Sign Up Today:

      Get access to the "Bruce the Blue Marlin" video tutorial, tracer, and supply list now. Let’s paint, create, and have a lot of fun together!

      Note: Upon purchase, you'll receive an invite to the private Facebook group "Bruce the Blue Marlin" for the video tutorial and community support.